Thursday, August 9, 2007

Cooperative Society

Ques1. "A Cooperative Society is a voluntaty associataion of persons and not of capital". Comment.
Ques2. What is a Cooperative Society? How is it formed?
Ques3. Explain how is surplus distributed in a cooperative society?


bindu dewan said...

A Cooperative society is a voluntary association of persons and not of capital means that in a cooperative society people are more important than money.
- It is a VOLUNTARY ASSOCIATION as it is open to all irrespective of their religion, gender and caste. A person is free to join a cooperative society and can leave any time as per his desire.
- Everyone is entitled to equal voting rights irrespective of their investment in society.
- It emphasizes the value of mutual help and welfare and hence the motive of service dominates its working.
- The surplus, if any, is distributed not according to capital contribution but according to the volume of transactions between the member and the cooperative.
All this clearly shows that money is not that important in a cooperative as is self help and welfare of its members.

(Answer by mohit, Bhawna and Kanika jain)

Anonymous said...

in cooperative society,people are more importantthan money.people join hands tto solve the common problem.
1. the membership of a cooperative societyis open to all, irrespective to their religion,caste and gender.
2. people have equality in voting status irrespective of their capital contribution.
3. it lays emphasis on values of mutual help and welfare.
4. they have limited resources as per the capital contributionof people.
5. also, surplusis distributed according to the transactionswith cooperative society.
therefore,cooperative society is avoluntary association of persons and not of capital.
ans by shilpi,ankit ,kanika goel,preeti

bindu dewan said...

Ans 2. A cooperative society is a voluntary association of persons who come together to promote their common economic interest through the principle of self help & mutual help. It is governed by Indian cooperative society’s act 1912.
Formation of Cooperative Society requires the following:
(1) Minimum of 10 adult persons.
(2) A common background.
(3) Registration under cooperative society’s Act.
In order to get a cooperative society registered , an application in the prescribed form must be submitted to the registrar of cooperative societies of the state in which the society's registered office is to be situated

Group Members:(Ashish,Sumiti,Swati,Ashwin,Manoj) & Bhawna

bindu dewan said...

Ans 3. Surplus is distributed in a cooperative society partly on the basis of the dividend and capital contribution,
And partly on the basis of number of transactions held between the members and the cooperative.
(Ans by Bhawna)